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Employee Engagement and Your Culture

The article How Engagement Can Screw Up Your Culture provided a great perspective on assessing employee engagement, and how if done incorrectly, can truly backfire.

The article reinforced the coaching and guidance CRS gives our clients when we embark on creating a customized employee engagement survey and the advice we share:

1.)  Tailor it to your team – talk to the team in their language, and ask them only about things which you are willing to adapt or adopt.

2.)  React to the results without overreacting – you need to implement change based on what the data indicates.  Don’t overreact by changing everything at once.

3.)  Be cautious about who sees the entire data set – The appropriate level is different for each survey, so make sure to think about the potential repercussions.

And as the article suggests, provide training for those who will be sharing and receiving the results.


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